Media CV

written by Chris

Writing Experience

Independent Columnist: Newsvine Inc

  • Provided the first national-scope coverage of the April 16, 2007 Virginia Tech shootings and with updates throughout the incident and community recovery.
  • Selected by Newsvine and MSNBC to cover the 2008 Democratic National Convention in Denver.

Independent Columnist: True/Slant Inc

  • Provide political and media analysis of national stories


“What Now?” – Politics After 2012

The Black Organizations Council and the Black Student Alliance invited me to answer student questions on the outcome of the 2012 Presidential Election and what it means both for policy and politics during Obama’s second term.

A Critical Discussion: Obama’s Reelection

Theta Psi chapter of the Kappa Alpha Psi fraternity at Virginia Tech asked me to participate in a public question and answer session with Dr. Karen Hult.  We discussed the accomplishments and failings of President Obama’s administration in order to help college students reach an educated and informed decision before casting their ballots in the 2012 Presidential Election.

Democratic National Convention: August, 2008 asked me to join a team of three other bloggers to supplement their coverage of the 2008 Democratic National Convention.  On scene in Denver, Colorado we provided political analysis, hosted discussions, conducted interviews, and covered the convention both inside and outside the convention hall.

SIAA Roundtable: December 5, 2007

The Software Industry Association of America invited me to New York to participate in a roundtable on the topic of “Users as Editors.”  Along with representatives from Wikipedia and Yahoo! Answers I took questions from New York’s media, business, and technology community on the risks and benefits of both user generated content and user administered moderation.


MSNBC: October 30, 2007

MSNBC brought me onto their day-time politics roundup as part of the lead-up to the October 2007 Democratic Primary Debate.  In a brief televised segment I addressed the issues most discussed in social news circles and outlined community expectations for the debate.

Smith Magazine: July 18, 2007

Smith Magazine interviewed me as a personality involved in the social news scene.  At the time I held an uncontested position at the top of Newsvine’s “Leaderboard,” a statistical method of tracking the most active and followed members of the community.  Smith Magazine’s focus tended towards the personal with particular interest in my personal investment in Newsvine.

BBC: April 18, 2007

The April 16, 2007 shootings were the second time I led the social and main-stream media in the coverage of a major national news story (the first being the manhunt for William Morva in the Fall of 2006).  I kept a running account of events on campus throughout the day and the BBC brought me on Radio 5 to discuss both the shooting, the community reaction, and the role that social news played in the coverage of the event.

Wall Street Journal: February 10, 2007

The Wall Street Journal ran and expose on social media and the trendsetters whose influence catapults certain stories or memes into prominence.  I was one of the “Wizards of Buzz” identified in their story which ran in both print and on-line media.